Hamifal Ness Ziona – “Neve Yehuda” Youth Village
This youth village was established in 1977 and is one of the oldest in Hamifal. It is located in a lovely hidden spot in Israel, where the tranquillity and green space provides a warm and homely feeling.
In “Neve Yehuda” there are 80 children aged 6-18 in 7 family homes. 15 additional children from the city arrive at the village day-care centre every day, serving the children of the city.
As in all the youth villages of Hamifal, this village also operates according to a unique educational method developed by Hamifal and known as the Family Educational Model – a model that combines a boarding school idea in a family cell environment. Underlying the model is the belief that young children grow up and develop best when they have a supportive family environment that includes a parent couple who provide them with warmth, support and love.
Hamifal provides children with a family environment that includes a “parent couple” who serve as their alternative parents, welcoming the additional children into their own family in order to provide them with vital love, guidance and support. This personal approach, alongside the supportive family atmosphere and the professional mental health and academic staff, creates a positive experience for the children, and a stable and important emotional environment for their healthy development as independent adults who contribute to society.
The village strives to provide children with a warm home, to raise their educational level by teaching them about values in an appropriate social atmosphere. The village emphasizes rehabilitation and integration, self-image growth and the development of a strong identity. Further, nurturing and caring parent figures provide the children with solid foundations which will help them in adulthood.
The village has an administrative, mental health, and educational staff devoted to the needs of the children in everything and anything.
In the 2009-2010 school year, the “Sharing the Way” day-care was opened in cooperation with the Ness Ziona Municipality, catering for the city’s children who require supervision until late. When necessary, the children stay overnight in the youth village.
Alongside to the regular core academic studies program, there is an afternoon social and teaching support program which includes:
- Tutoring: Personal assistance and support for each child provided by professional teachers.
- A Rich Library: This library helps transform and increase reading habits.
- Classes: The children participate in the local community center classes and in the diverse set of classes in the village.
- Art Therapy: A unique therapy designed to help children who have difficulty expressing their feelings verbally.
- Personal Mentoring: Diverse weekly activities with mentors from HP and Tel Nof Air Force Base.
- Student Council: In the children's home, a student council is elected in a democratic process. And discusses a variety of issues. Student council members take an active part in determining the children’s educational activities.
- Sporting Activities: The youth village encourages active and professional participation in diverse sports such as running and football.
- "The Lollipop": A unique project that allows children to experience financial management through a rechargeable card with which they can spend and deposit money. This project teaches the children sound and proper financial management.
- Summer Activities: These activities combine learning and fun for homeless children.
The village enjoys a dedicated partnership with members of the community who host lonely children on holidays and Saturdays. The youth village also has a circle of friends volunteer group comprised of citizens from the city of Ness Ziona.
If you are interested in helping us deliver the level of services these children deserve, we will be happy to provide you with more information and even give you a tour of the youth village.
Contact details
Village management:
Benjamin Chen Halevi – Manager
Rachavi Natalie – Therapeutic Service Manager
Keren Goffman – Education Coordinator
Ilani Sarig – Administrator
Address: 1 Margolin St., Ness Ziona 70400
Phone: +972 (0)8 9404454
Fax: +972 (0)8 9407645
Email: Nynzv10@gmail.com