Hamifal Hurfish - the youth village
The newest youth village of Hamifal was established in August 1998. It is unique in Israel and in the world due to its dedication to children from the Druze community in Israel.
The village was successfully established thanks to persistent efforts from Dr. Assad Araida, the chairman of the organization, the organization’s management team, the Ministry of Education and Culture, and the Druze local councils, headed by the Hurfish local council.
The village was built at the top of the Galilee mountains, near the tomb of the Prophet Sablan, and close to the community elementary school. It is situated at the heart of the Druze population.
In the village, about 70 children are educated in 6 to 7 mixed family homes of boys and girls aged 3-18. Each day-care centre is run by a Druze family, “home parents”, who have been specially trained by the organization.
The village functions based on a dual education model of in-class learning and learning from a healthy family environment. In this way, it is similar to the other youth villages, whilst understanding the importance of and maintaining connection to the Druze tradition, customs and heritage.
The main objective of the village is to provide children with a sense of home and family, to be a family model with which they emulate and can identify with, while caring for their mental and emotional wellbeing, and educating and emphasising the values of integration into and contribution to society in general and, in particular, to Israeli society.
This belief allows us to treat each and every child individually and help them realize their full personal and educational potential. We teach proper social behaviour, good citizenship and personal independence, with the hope that one day they will be well-equipped to deal with the socio-cultural reality in which they live, in an accepted normative way.
Alongside the regular academic studies, there are social study support systems which include:
- Art Therapy: A unique therapy designed to help children who have difficulty expressing their feelings verbally.
- Library: A rich theoretical library that includes computers, a listening centre and a loan library, open in the afternoon.
- Classes: The children of the village are integrated into the ongoing village classes, the local community centre and the youth movement "Tzedek."
- Summer Activities: These activities combine learning and fun for homeless children.
- Professional training for girls in the beauty field, such as hairdressing and nail technician.
- Parent-Child Activities: Here, we enable children to bond with their biological families, through workshops, tutorials, and joint projects.
The graduates of the village succeed in integrating into Druze society and the wider Israeli society. Many of them enlist and serve in the IDF and become citizens who contribute to Israeli society.
Contact details
Village management:
Dagesh Tarek – Manager
Jasmine Hiradin – Therapeutic Service Manager
Amer Osnat – Education Coordinator
Rodin Pares – Administrator
Address: P.O. 839 Hurfish 25155
Phone: +972(0) 4-9575025
Fax: +972(0) 4-9575024
Email: child1998@walla.co.il